What is Chiropractic Care and how does it help the human body, is a common question I tend to get from my patients. In the simplest way to put it, Chiropractic Care is all about restoring the optimal range of motion in our spine and ensuring that all our joints are in alignment. However, it is much more complex than that explanation.

The human body is made up of 206 bones, out of those 206 bones 33 bones consist to make the human spine. The spine acts like a type of armour that holds and protects the nerves and spinal cord. These nerves extend out from the spinal canals to various muscles, tendons, and ligaments which are responsible for supplying our human body with signals that allow us to move around in our day-to-day lives without much thought.

Throughout our lives, we tend to sit, stand, and move around in patterns of movement that we don’t think about and as a result our body begins to compensate to conform to those movements. This can cause aches and pains that can be felt throughout our neck, mid back, low back and other parts of our body.

What Does Chiropractic Care Do?

The goal of Chiropractic Care is to correct those movement patterns and align the spine in its correct position so that optimal posture and balance are met.

The Chiropractor will use a combination of manual therapy, soft tissues therapy and rehabilitation exercises to correct the problem that a potential patient may be suffering from when they come into our office.

There are a lot of positives to Chiropractic Care, such as

  • Reduced pain
  • Increased range of motion
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved athletic performance

Everyone can benefit from Chiropractic Care to optimize their body function, whether they work an office job, construction, health care, or other walks of life.

I would urge everyone to consider Chiropractic treatment and discover the benefits themselves.

Surjan Sandhu
Author: Surjan Sandhu

Dr. Sandhu has known the benefits of chiropractic care from a young age from his years as an athlete. Having played field hockey with the Canadian Jr National Team and Team BC, as well as ball hockey and soccer, he has an extensive knowledge with sports related injuries. Dr. Sandhu looks to help patients in an effort to live a healthier and more active life. Having obtained a Bachelors of Kinesiology from the University of British Columbia, he further pursued education at the University of Western States where he received his Bachelors of Science in Human Biology and his Doctorate of Chiropractic. Dr. Sandhu uses an evidence-based approach when it comes to patient care. This includes diversified chiropractic adjustments, active rehab, soft tissues therapies, experience with physical therapy modalities such as ultrasound, laser and cupping. Dr. Sandhu strives to provide lifestyle changes in order to ensure optimal recovery is met with his patients.