Surrey Naturopathy Services

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine is a system of medicine that has been practiced in North America for over 125 years. Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct form of primary health care built on a patient-centred approach that emphasizes prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that support the body’s natural ability to heal and help the patient achieve sustainable health and wellness.

The Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

• First do no harm
• The Healing power of nature
• Identification and treatment of the causes of disease
• The primary role of the doctor as the teacher
• Treatment of the whole person
• Disease prevention and health promotion


When I should see a Naturopathic Doctor?

You want a doctor who will treat all of you, not just your illness:

Naturopathic doctors are trained to treat the whole person. This requires taking the time to listen and understand the genetic, environmental, and behavioral/lifestyle factors that can affect your health. At your initial appointment, you’ll spend up to an hour or more talking with your ND.

You want a personalized treatment plan designed for your needs:

ND’s understand there is no one-size-fits-all treatment that works for everybody. After your visit with an ND, you’ll leave the doctor’s office with a treatment plan uniquely tailored to you, your health status, your health goals, and your lifestyle.

You want to treat the root cause of an illness, not just the symptoms:

Sometimes having trouble sleeping, aches and pains, strange or hard to treat skin rashes, and indigestion or stomach discomfort are symptoms of an underlying illness. While these symptoms can be managed, it’s more important to understand and treat the root cause.

You want to actively participate in managing your own health:

An ND will help you learn what your body needs to get well and stay healthy. Patients have the opportunity to feel empowered and hopeful when they understand and are actively engaged in managing their own health.

What to Expect During a Naturopathy Appointment

During the first visit, your ND wants to get to know you as a person, what your health goals are and how you have managed your health in the past. Expect to be there for an hour or more to give your ND adequate time to complete the picture. As well as performing a physical exam based on your health complaints, your ND will also ask you about your mental and emotional health, your diet and lifestyle, and treatments you may be receiving from other health care providers. By the end of the visit, your ND will present an individualized treatment plan and may suggest further testing.


The Power of Natural and Western Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine and conventional Western Medicine are not against each other. They support one another to obtain well-being, optimal health condition and the best possible solution for the patients. The only difference between them, is the way they approach to diseases.

Naturopathic Medicine is the foundation of conventional Western Medicine and is based on scientifically proven and evidence-based facts. However none of them is complete without the other. Neither should be ignored or rejected in the treatment plan.


What Conditions do Naturopathy Doctors Treat?

Naturopathy assists with:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Weight Management
  • Pain Management
  • Hormone Balance
  • Healing the Gut
  • Sleep disorder
  • Detoxification
  • And much more

Providing healthcare that is unique to each individual and their goals.